Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Beyond Blue: The Disaster Issue

Issue 12 of Beyond Blue: The Disaster Issue looks at the "disasters that have ravaged our oceans, and the harm still occurring from our over-zealous harvesting of oceanic wares." Amanda Cotton's work graces the cover of this just released issue, along with her accompanying portfolio portraying the negative impacts humans and natural disasters are having on our oceans.

Contributors Deb Castellana, Mike Markovina, Amanda Cotton, Michelle Ainslie, Barbara Laesser, Amanda Barratt, Michael Reynolds, Kimberley Lowe, Lucinda Farmery, Jordan Aria Housiaux, and Kristin Walovich delve into topics ranging from over harvesting of the oceans to revisiting the Deep Horizon oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Beyond Blue is an action packed magazine focusing on marine research, conservation, and exploration projects being conducted around the world represented by a unique fusion of marine scientists and environmental journalists. It is the official magazine of Oceans Society; a non-profit organization dedicated to helping budding researchers and conservationists find funding and support for projects and expeditions. A COTTON PHOTO Creative Works was honored to contribute to this very important magazine issue.

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