Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One Photo's Story

It was quite an honor to find out this morning that "Belonging" had been featured on the home page of an art community based site that hosts one of my portfolios. The added exposure to the image is priceless to me, in that I hope the image itself will help dispel many of the misconceptions the non diving/non shark loving communities have about these beauties. One of the main reasons for posting the images was to try to bring about an awareness that sharks are not mindless, man eating killers and that they deserve our admiration, or at the very least our protection.

Throughout the day I have been able to interact with several members of this web based community about their opinions and beliefs when it comes to sharks. Even though I am an idealist from hair to toe, I realize many people will continue to feel fear after viewing my images. However, I have received some incredibly encouraging comments; some stating their point of view about sharks has changed from the images in my portfolio. The knowledge that my photography has made someone stop and think is quite possibly the biggest compliment I can receive.

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